Saturday, December 24, 2011


That's me.  Coming up for air.

It's been a life changing 6 months and I'm of course finding it hard to know where to start.  Over the craziness that was our 2011, I have been making mental notes of things I'd like to write about here.  SO, in an effort to get back on board the blogging train - new resolutions and all that - look for these topics in the next month year or so.  Ish.  :)
          - Pregnancy summary
          - NICU notes
          - Baby wishes
          - Budding personalities
          - Kid obsession - healthy or not?  And I'm not talking about mine.

Since my last post I've added the following talents to my resume, including but not limited to: changing a diaper in less than 10 seconds, feeding two infants at once, burping two infants at once, making mac-n-cheese a gourmet meal, sleeping standing up, running slower than I can walk, averaging three weeks to return emails and phone calls, and so many other things that I never thought I'd admit to.  People always tell you that you'll understand when you have kids.  That you'll suddenly just get how 3am becomes a normal hour to catch up on your news headlines or how you'll maintain a threat level orange hatred of an inanimate object such as your baby monitor.   While all those things are true and completely foreign, hard, and not where I ever thought I'd be... it is all inexplicably worth it.

More to come.