Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I appreciated:  140 more acres to play on.
I could have done without:  shoulder cramps.
I learned:  the official language of Bern, Switzerland is German.
I noticed:  Avery's tummy at bath time.


I appreciated:  long lost singletrack.
I could have done without:  insomnia.
I learned:  sour cream is a terrible substitute for yogurt.
I noticed:  Bender watching for Dave out the sunroom window.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I appreciated:  country gravel roads.
I could have done without:  spit up. 
I learned:  mules are offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.
I noticed:  daffodils blooming beside a stone cottage.


I appreciated:  a good bargain.
I could have done without:  hormones.
I learned:  UVA nursing school has lists of local, certified baby sitters.
I noticed:  Bailey with her head out the car window.

Friday, February 24, 2012


I appreciated:  Friday family strolls.
I could have done without:  Bender xrays. 
I learned:  the Syrian government is apparently pretty evil.
I noticed:  Rowan reaching for Avery's hand.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I appreciated: the 8th warmest winter on record.
I could have done without: squirting mayonnaise all over the kitchen.  Allllll over.
I learned:  corn is native to pre-columbus north america, near Mississippi.
I noticed:  my husband in a suit.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Set a good example. A long term plan.

I'll explain later. 

- I appreciated:  "Save the Ta-Tas" bumper sticker.  Always makes me laugh.
- I could have done without:  wind.  My athletic nemesis.
- I learned: the definitions of hippo, panda, hot-tub, and wishbone parenting.  Hoping to be a pleasant combination of all four.
- I noticed: sun rays through the clouds on the mountains during my stroll with the babies.