But today was yet another example of why I have come believe without a doubt that we're given 9 months to experience this process for a reason. The physical changes I was prepared for. The thickening skin, the widening hips, the belly, the boobs (not necessarily a bad thing), the slowing of activity, the constant potty trips, the ups and downs between feeling beautiful and feeling fat, all of it. What I wasn't prepared for was the emotional transition. The shift between being a woman who is caring of others but mostly living her own agenda to a... mom, the most selfless of creatures.
I would love to say that I have gone through this shift effortlessly and without rebellion but that would definitely be lying. When I was sitting in the parking lot after my doctors appointment today, under advice from our physician and 2 people that I love to go home, to rest, to put these babies first, of course I felt like it was the right thing to do but I also felt, being totally honest here, disappointed in the afternoon that I wasn't going to have because of it all.
So, lesson #1 of 3,529,488 (and probably more):
it's not all about you anymore.
Lesson #2 of 3,529,488:
be flexible with your time and your plans.
In other news, we've been spending some very quality time together as a family.
We've been nesting.
But not without incident. Not to worry, all is fine. Just a slight mishap with an automatic drill and my dear husband's thumb. Note to self: add pain relieving spray to our first aid kit.
We've been volunteering.
And we've been perfecting some much needed talents.
That's the Bailey Bee. Don't make fun, she takes it very seriously.