Friday, February 5, 2010

Not much traffic

Pros to #2 crazy huge snowstorm in one winter:
  • We're getting more snow than Leslie in NH who moved up there for skiing options
  • Watching Bailey try and squat pee in a foot of snow is pretty funny
  • We had first tracks on the trails this morning
  • It's beautiful
  • Being snowed in is super cozy
  • It's Friday, so we have no plans and can hunker down for the weekend
  • Hitting Dave with snow balls is fun
  • Makes for great pictures
Cons to #2 crazy huge snowstorm in one winter:
  • We only have 3 inches on the ground, they're predicting another 20 in 24 hours
  • For crazy huge snow storm #1, Bailey just resorted to peeing on the front mat 
  • It's freaking cold
  • I'm 99% positive we're going to lose power again
  • The dogs smell almost moldy at this point
  • We're running out of firewood - as in, this weekend.  Which, with the inevitable power loss, could prove to be a problem
  • My "workout" will now consist of running in place, jumping jacks, and other forms of horribly embarrassing acts to keep from gaining the "snowstorm five"
  • Dad is ready to jump off his roof
  • Our local news anchors seem to believe that the end of mankind is near and that there's NOTHING going on in the world besides this snow storm
Here's a little snapshot of my recent trip to NH to see Cody-licious, les, and Mom - and then some of what we've been doing around the house lately.

These are the faces I had to leave

But this is the face that I got to see

We went for walks

We moved some furniture

We found some sticks

And we did a lot of swinging

Back home on the racho relaxo, we've been hanging pictures, baking cookies, and preparing for the apocalypse

Wedding pictures are up!

And some of our favorite nieces and nephews!  


Bailey is less than thrilled at not being able to chase the squirrelies 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Man! I loved Leslie's comment to Dad about not jumping off the roof b/c he'd only land in powder! : ) I hope you guys stay warm! LOVE the pictures. You guys are amazing. This kind of weather has gotta be hard on those dogs!
