Thursday, November 26, 2009


I always have a hard time coming up with things to be thankful for on turkey day, other than pie and Dave's mashed potatoes.  Definitely not because I'm not thankful for anything but more so that I feel like I try really hard to be that way all the time.  Really, I guess I'm thankful for having so much to be thankful for.  Awwww.  Ok, I know... "sure, whatever, just list it".  Fine.  I will.  So there.

More general things in life:
- My amazing, supportive, sweet, funny, sexy, caring, wonderful husband.
- My ridiculous bears.
- My family who made me who I am today.
- My friends for accepting me that way.
- Our simple existence and the ability to be healthy, work, fulfill our dreams, and take care of each other which, really, isn't that hard at all.

More random, specific things:
- socks, leaves, candles, hugs, cream soda, rain, peanut butter, feel good movies, flannel, naps, football, beer, sports bras, tupperware, shutter buttons, etc.
- And today, especially, because we hosted turkey day dinner for the first time, dishwashers.  I'm forever thankful for dishwashers.

Super short list for a really awesome world of things that I love but I'm getting tired and I'm still stupid full from dinner so that's all I got.  Well, here's to catching you all up a little:


Turkey Trot

Helping out at the kids race

I think I'm being watched (that's dave).

Finish line

Turkey Day

Shopping craziness

Oh yeah, and the dogs destroyed another one of their beds.  Look how innocent they're trying to be.  "Wasn't me, no sir.  No, I don't know who else was out here locked on the deck with teeth and claws that could have done this.  But it wasn't me.  Must have been the cat."

We don't have a cat.


  1. What a wonderful post. I'm thankful for you! Please don't ever do a video while running again, tho. - made me motion sick!!! Pie looked great but I have to ask..........did I see store bought crust in that basket? Be honest, now! Seriously, I heard the meal was fantastic so Congrats!

  2. I actually thought the video was good documentary quality... and only made better if it caught her hurling at the end!

    Can't wait to see you soon Shannon! Knock dave around to get your video chat going so you can see the fam before I leave on Thur morning!

    hi dave
