Friday, October 9, 2009


Mornings just after the sun rises a bit (not too early, now) and evenings just before sunset are my two favorite times of day.  And fall is my favorite time of year.  And sunshine, with clear skies and comfy temperatures is my favorite type of day.  I can definitely appreciate all the others, rain, snow, cloudy, and actually look forward to them quite a lot, but this type of day is my favorite.  So, if you're in the Charlottesville area and are waking up this morning to the kind of day that today is turning out to be, you can imagine how thrilled I am.  It's gorgeous.  And I'm off work.  The leaves are changing, some already falling over the trails, and I'm making a motherly attempt to walk the dogs in the morning more often so they don't bother Dave (who works from home) as much by whining and wanting to play until he has time to take them out.  This trend proves obviously to be a lot easier on a day like today when it's beautiful and I'm off work so I don't have to get up any earlier than usual.  We'll see how it sticks once back in the drone of regular daily life.

Anyways, our oldest, Bailey, doesn't really stick around for the walks so don't look forward to seeing many pictures of her here.  She gets let out and proceeds to make her own adventure, chasing squirrelies or deeries or anything she can find.  She'll check in every so often and then just meet us back at the house when she's ready to come home.  She's our adventurer, never ready to walk the normal path until she's doing it in her own time and on her own terms.  Just like her mama.  :)

Bender is the exact opposite.  He just wants to be loved and for someone, anyone, to throw his ball.

For those of you who are wondering, this will be the view from our back porch once the county gets around to deciding that we're actually allowed to build on land that we own.  No sarcasm here.  None at all.  But here's the view...

I know, we're ridiculously spoiled and lucky.

Lastly, Dave has been working tons at getting everything ready for the Paranormal race next weekend out here on the Teventrails.  I'm fairly sure no one is actually reading this blog yet but if you are, happen to not have anything planned for the 17th, and want to come out, here's the link...

And here's just a bit of what you'll be riding...

And here's me.  Just because.

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