Friday, October 30, 2009


Some weird things going around the local folks here in Cville.  Maybe it's the change in weather, maybe the swine flu shots, maybe I'm just not so distracted with other things that I'm actually noticing but some people seem to have gone a bit crazy.

Today, my co-worker got fired and pretty much lost her mind between the "this isn't working out" meeting to her exit from the building.  Locks were changed, computers were hacked, major contacts were called, I suppose we're all hoping she doesn't return and create a new term like "going non-profit on everyone".  I always wondered how the postal workers felt about the fact that they have a whole word dedicated to their industry that clearly means going insane and killing people.  That must be a bit frustrating.

Then there's some family drama, but since you all are probably the only people reading this at this point, we'll let that one be.  :)  Not to worry, though, we're doing ok here at the rancho relaxo.

And, really the worst of all, there's some sort of smell coming from the sleeping dog next to me that is quite disturbing.  Whatever, we're leaving soon to go watch some horror movies with our favorite new baby in town... hi, sophia!  

That's really all I've got for now.  Had a few minutes, thought I'd sit here and type rather than continue cleaning the house.  

Oh yeah.  Then there's this hidden gem that has managed to stay unposted from the internet for faaarrrr too long...  you love me.  You know you do.


  1. that video is awesome. i'm sure she misses pregnancy about as much as me. so glad you guys came over last night!! the movie only got scarier after you left. hope you enjoy your halloween. we had a blast at mas having some adult time without little baby. :)

  2. For some reason my computer isn't opening the video but I'm going to go ahead and assume that it's the one of Cody farting and yawning... Can't wait to see you guys, hope you had a great halloween!

  3. I've always loved the brownie belly!! And funny thought with the "going non-profit" ;)

    We too had a strange odor hovering this afternoon... but none of the kids claimed it - lol. As dad says... must be the indians.
